This family show, directed by Amanda Erixon, tells the tale of Ronja, a little girl growing up in a family of robbers deep in the Nordic wilderness.
Scandinavian classic Ronja the Robber's Daughter is having it's New York Premiere at The Swedish Seamen's Church on June 17th, spreading the magic of this iconic story by world renowned children's author, Astrid Lindgren.
This family show, directed by Amanda Erixon, tells the tale of Ronja, a little girl growing up in a family of robbers deep in the Nordic wilderness. As a right of passage she is sent into the forest by her parents, Lovis and Mattis, to learn to handle everything that may come her way. On her adventures she encounters Grådvärgar and Vildvittror, Skumtroll and Rumpnissar and eventually finds an unexpected friend in, Birk, the son of her father's archnemesis Borka. All of this told to the tunes of Björn Isfält's classical composition, reimagined by Sam Lincoln and performed live!
The cast consists of Amanda Erixon (Ronja), Maximilian Johnsson (Birk), Jens Peter de Pedro (Mattis), Ingrid Kullberg-Bendz (Lovis), Max Lindmaa (Skalle-Per), Natasha Träger (Lill-Klippen), Nellie Svensson (Knotas), Julie Berndt (Borka), Lova Hellberg (Undis) and Nina Björkman (Fjosok).
Performed in Swedish, its original language, adaptation by Johan Gille. This production stays true to the original story and explores the themes of courage and standing up for what's right even in the face of opposition. And as in all of Astrid Lindgren's stories, of course the perspective of the child comes first.
"Ronja is such a good story with a strong and universal message," Director, actor and producer Amanda Erixon says "It has a strong female lead which I also thought was important to let children see. It's entertaining and the music is beautiful."
Erixon, originally from Sweden, spent several years in the US studying and working. During her time in New York she discovered a big interest for Astrid Lindgren's stories amongst Swedish American families, she found that the parents wanted to share the stories with their kids but had no real way to do it.
"I saw that Astrid Lindgren's plays hadn't been produced before in Swedish. Hopefully this can lead to more awareness of her work also for the American audience," Erixon says.
'Ronja The Robber's Daughter' will be playing on June 17th and 18th at 3PM. It's a show for the entire family and whether you know Swedish or not you won't be able to resist getting drawn into it by the pure magnetism of these dancing robbers, magical creatures, haunting tunes and honest embodiment of this timeless piece.
Get your tickets here:
June 17th
Click Here
June 18th
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