This beloved American holiday classic comes to captivating life as a live 1940s radio broadcast. With the help of an ensemble that brings a few dozen characters to the stage, the story of idealistic George Bailey unfolds as he considers ending his life one fateful Christmas Eve
The latest standings as of Monday, December 19th, have been released for the 2022 BroadwayWorld Ft. Myers/Naples Awards! Nominations were reader-submitted and now our readers get to vote for their favorites.
The latest standings as of Monday, December 12th, have been released for the 2022 BroadwayWorld Ft. Myers/Naples Awards! Nominations were reader-submitted and now our readers get to vote for their favorites.
The latest standings as of Monday, December 5th, have been released for the 2022 BroadwayWorld Ft. Myers/Naples Awards! Nominations were reader-submitted and now our readers get to vote for their favorites.
This is the last chance to vote for the 2021 BroadwayWorld Ft. Myers/Naples Awards! The 2021 Regional Awards honor productions which had their first performance between October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021.
Time is running out to vote for for the 2021 BroadwayWorld Ft. Myers/Naples Awards! The 2021 Regional Awards honor productions which had their first performance between October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021.
Being in a global pandemic is not fun for anyone, but the theatre industry is especially struggling right now. However, several local SWFL theatres have begun to reopen with safety precautions, and others are turning to online options for theatre entertainment this season.
In an effort to celebrate all of the amazing local theatre Southwest Florida did get to see prior to COVID-19 shutdowns, I reached out to local directors, actors, students, artists, etc., asking if they would answer a couple questions about their experiences with theatre from this past season and what they're most looking forward to next season.
It's a Wonderful Life (Live Radio Play) (12/8/23-12/9/23)
Harvey (1/10/24-1/28/24)
The Fantasticks (1/18/24-1/28/24)
Laugh, Cry, Pee, Repeat! (2/14/24-3/3/24)
The Producers (3/13/24-4/7/24)
The Play that Goes Wrong (5/1/24-5/26/24)
The Naples Players is at 701 5th Ave S, Naples.
The Wedding Singer (6/23/21-7/25/21)
The Queen of Bingo
Arts Center Theatre (2/7 - 2/25) | ||
The 39 Steps
Arts Center Theatre (10/25 - 11/12) | ||
The Dining Room
The Naples Players (10/4 - 10/22) | ||
It's a Wonderful Life (Live Radio Play)
The Naples Players (12/8 - 12/9) | ||
The Naples Players (1/10 - 1/28) | ||
Fame: The Musical
Florida Repertory Theatre (5/18 - 5/27) | ||
The Producers
The Naples Players (3/13 - 4/7) | ||
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