The groundbreaking musical sensation, Hamilton springs from the mind of Emmy, Tony, and Grammy Award winner Lin-Manuel Miranda and tells the unlikely story of the ten-dollar founding father, Alexander Hamilton who was young, scrappy, and hungry and ready to mark his mark on this new nation. This revolutionary tale of America's fiery founding is told through the sounds of the what this nation has become. Directed by Thomas Kail and choreographed by Andy Blankenbuehler, this musical about taking your shot will turn your world upside down.
I must confess that I gave one of the less enthusiastic reviews of "Hamilton" back in February, finding the plot to be too dense (it is, after all, a biography) and the hip-hop sound to be monotonous. On second viewing, I was determined to accept the show on its own terms, and I ended up being absolutely entranced by Miranda's inventive writing, Thomas Kail's masterful direction and Andy Blankenbuehler's nonstop movement. I may be the last critic to join the "Hamilton" fan club, but better late than never. Miranda tackles Hamilton's life, as well as the chaos and culture of the Revolutionary War and early years of the Republic, with genuine historical analysis, humor, tenderness and an eye for contemporary relevance.
Lin-Manuel Miranda's electrifying adaptation of Ron Chernow's celebrated biography of the least-known U.S. Founding Father is not, to use that cliché, a game-changer. It is, in truth, the quintessence of a Broadway musical destined for the record books: Of-the-moment in its rolling, roiling waves of rap used to tell its tale yet timeless in its unembarrassed detours into the sentimental ballads and roof-levitating choral numbers that are Broadway's stock-in-trade...Hamilton is accessible without pandering and inspirational in sneaky ways that permeate a skeptic's shell. Miranda has used well the interregnum between downtown and up, sharpening lyrics, shifting some of the relationships to achieve greater balance and, happily, ignoring suggestions that he trim the show (it clocks in at about two-and-three-quarters hours yet never feels long)...The casting could not be better and the company now wears a multiplicity of roles like second skins. The standout besides Miranda as his own leading man, is Odom, every bit his match as the complex Burr.
Price: $10.00
Where: and the official app for HAMILTON, now available for all iOS and Android devices in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.
When: The lottery will open at 10:00 AM every Friday and will close for entry at 12:00 PM the next Thursday prior to the following week’s performances. Winner and non-winner notifications will be sent between 12:00 PM and 4:00 PM every Thursday for the upcoming week’s performances via email and mobile push notification. Once notified, winners will have two hours to claim and pay for their ticket(s).
Limit: Two per customer
Restrictions: Lottery tickets may be picked up at will call beginning two hours prior to the performance with a valid photo ID. Lottery tickets void if resold.
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