Hilarious, heartbreaking and utterly unique, Falsettos is a groundbreaking contemporary musical from William Finn and James Lapine, the team behind the successful 2018 FPT production of A New Brain. Falsettos is about family, relationships, bar mitzvahs, and baseball and spans from the early ‘80s through the early days of the AIDS crisis. This Tony-award winning musical is a beautiful reminder that love can tell a million stories.
Falsettos (5/19/23-5/28/23)
Merrily We Roll Along (8/18/23-8/27/23)
The New Hazlett Theater is at 112 Sewickley Ridge Circle Sewickley, PA 15143, Pittsburgh, PA.
Falsettos (5/19/23-5/28/23)
Frida...A Self Portrait
Pittsburgh Public Theater (6/7 - 6/25) | ||
The Boxcar Children
New Hazlett Theater (6/16 - 6/25) | ||
The Dinner Detective Comedy Mystery Dinner Show
The Dinner Detective Pittsburgh (7/29 - 7/29) | ||
The New Hazlett Theater (5/19 - 5/28) | ||
The Dinner Detective Comedy Mystery Dinner Show
The Dinner Detective Pittsburgh (6/17 - 6/17) | ||
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