This dark comedy relates the story of the three Magrath sisters, Meg, Babe, and Lenny, who reunite at Old Granddaddy's home in Hazlehurst, Mississippi. The sisters were raised in a dysfunctional family with a penchant for ugly predicaments. Each has endured her share of hardship and misery. Past resentments bubble to the surface as the sisters are forced to deal with assorted relatives and past relationships. Each sister is forced to face the consequences of the "crimes of the heart" she has committed. Tickets can be purchased through our secure online webpage at or call the box office at 239-772-5862
"Crimes of the Heart" (6/1/23-6/11/23)
Cultural Park Theatre Company is at 528 Cultural Park Blvd., Cape Coral, FL.
"Private Lives" (5/12/23-5/21/23)
"Grease" (3/9/23-3/19/23)
"The Women" (10/13/22-10/23/22)
"School of Rock" (9/22/22-10/2/22)
Crimes of the Heart
Cultural Park Theatre Company (6/1 - 6/11) | ||
Laugh, Cry, Pee, Repeat!
The Naples Players (2/14 - 3/3) | ||
The Producers
The Naples Players (3/13 - 4/7) | ||
Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella
The Belle Theatre (6/9 - 6/18) | ||
The Fantasticks
The Naples Players (1/18 - 1/28) | ||
The 39 Steps
Arts Center Theatre (10/25 - 11/12) | ||
It's a Wonderful Life (Live Radio Play)
The Naples Players (12/8 - 12/9) | ||
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